Fatal error on product page – related products

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Hi, I just purchased a Pro license of your plugin on Themeforest, but I have a serious functioning problem. Single product page loading stops due to a Fatal Error on plugin scripts for related products. I activated wp debug and the error is visible here: https://www.biocartaeplastica.it/prodotti/coperchio-polistirene-2/

This only happens if I impose a specific variant of a variable product, but it does not happen on the variable product without indication of the single variant (i.e. here: https://www.biocartaeplastica.it/prodotto/coperchi-in-polistirene/).

The problem is that my customer needs to indicate the only variant compatible with the selected product (same size for lid and glass). Would it be possible to guarantee the functioning of the plugin also in this case?


Hello sir,

I appreciate your understanding regarding the delayed response, and I apologize for any inconvenience caused during our annual office trip.

For a better understanding of the issue, could you kindly provide a screen recording video explaining the problem? This would greatly assist our team in addressing the matter effectively. Additionally, for a thorough investigation, please share your site credentials via private reply.

Thank you for your cooperation, and we are committed to resolving the issue promptly.

Best regards,


Shamiul Bishal
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