In today’s digital world, where more and more people are using their phones to browse the internet, making websites easy to use on mobile devices is super important. That’s where WP Bottom Menu comes in – it’s like a special tool just for making websites better on phones and tablets, especially if your site runs on WordPress. Instead of having the menu at the top of the screen, 

WP Bottom Menu puts it at the bottom, making it easier for people to find and use. In this guide, we’ll explain everything you need to know about WP Bottom Menu, why it’s great, and how to use it on your WordPress site. Let’s make your website awesome for mobile users together.

Table of Contents

What is WP Bottom Menu?

If you’ve ever browsed websites on your phone and found it frustrating to reach the navigation menu at the top of the screen, you’ll love WP Bottom Menu. Let’s break it down step by step:

WP Bottom Menu is a feature designed to make websites easier to navigate on mobile devices, particularly those built on WordPress. Instead of having the menu options at the top where they might be hard to reach, WP Bottom Menu moves them to the bottom of the screen, making them more accessible with just a swipe of your thumb.

Now, what makes WP Bottom Menu so special? First off, it improves accessibility. By placing the menu at the bottom, users can easily access it without stretching their fingers or adjusting their grip on the phone. This simple change can make a big difference, especially for people with larger devices or smaller hands.

Secondly, WP Bottom Menu streamlines user interaction. With important links and options right at their fingertips, visitors can navigate your site more efficiently, finding what they need without frustration or confusion. This can lead to increased engagement and higher conversion rates, as users are more likely to stick around and explore your content.

Now, you might be wondering how the WP Bottom Menu stacks up against traditional mobile navigation menus. Well, think about it this way: with a traditional menu at the top of the screen, users have to reach up to access it. This can be awkward and uncomfortable, especially on larger devices. Plus, if the menu is too small or crowded, it can be hard to tap on the right option.

WP Bottom Menu solves these problems by moving the menu to the bottom of the screen, where it’s easier to reach and interact with. Plus, since it’s always visible, users don’t have to scroll back to the top of the page to find it. This makes for a smoother, more intuitive browsing experience overall


In essence, WP Bottom Menu is all about making websites more user-friendly on mobile devices. By improving accessibility, stream.

Implementing WP Bottom Menu on WordPress

If you’re looking to improve navigation on your WordPress site with WP Bottom Menu, you’re in the right place! Let’s break down the process step by step, making it easy for anyone to understand.

Choosing a Suitable WordPress Theme

The first step in implementing WP Bottom Menu is to select a WordPress theme that supports bottom menu placement. Think of a theme like the foundation of your website – it determines how everything looks and works. When choosing a theme, look for one that explicitly mentions support for bottom menus. This ensures that the theme is designed to work seamlessly with WP Bottom Menu, making the setup process much easier and more reliable.

Installing and Activating Plugins

Once you’ve got your theme sorted, it’s time to add some functionality with plugins. Plugins are like add-ons for your WordPress site – they give you extra features and customization options. In this case, you’ll want to install and activate plugins specifically designed for creating custom bottom menus. Luckily, there are plenty of options available in the WordPress plugin directory. Look for plugins that have good ratings and reviews, and that offer the features you need for your bottom menu.

Customizing Menu Layout, Design, and Functionality

Now comes the fun part – customizing your bottom menu to make it your own! Most WP Bottom Menu plugins come with a range of customization options, allowing you to tweak everything from the layout and design to the functionality and behavior of your menu. You can choose different colors and fonts to match your site’s branding, rearrange menu items to prioritize the most important pages, and even add interactive elements like dropdowns or icons. Take your time to explore the customization options available and experiment until you’re happy with how your bottom menu looks and functions.

By following these steps – choosing a suitable WordPress theme with built-in bottom menu support, installing and activating plugins for custom bottom menu creation, and customizing menu layout, design, and functionality options – you can successfully implement WP Bottom Menu on your WordPress site. With a user-friendly and visually appealing navigation solution in place, you’ll be well on your way to providing an enhanced browsing experience for your visitors.

Why WP Bottom Menu for Mobile?

In today’s digital age, where mobile devices reign supreme, ensuring a seamless and intuitive browsing experience is paramount. Let’s delve into why WP Bottom Menu is the go-to solution for optimizing navigation on mobile devices, in simple terms anyone can understand:

Enhanced Accessibility and Visibility

Imagine trying to reach the top of your phone screen with just one hand – it’s not always easy, right? WP Bottom Menu solves this problem by moving the menu options to the bottom, where they’re much easier to access. No more stretching or straining – just a quick swipe of your thumb and you’re there. Plus, with the menu always visible at the bottom, users never have to search for it or scroll back to the top of the page.

Streamlined User Interaction

Have you ever visited a website on your phone and struggled to find what you were looking for? With WP Bottom Menu, those days are over. By placing important links and actions right at your fingertips, navigating the site becomes a breeze. Whether you’re searching for a specific page or completing a purchase, everything you need is just a tap away. This streamlined interaction makes for a much smoother and more enjoyable browsing experience overall.

Improved Engagement and Conversion Rates

Here’s where it gets really exciting. Studies show that when websites are easy to navigate and use, people are more likely to stick around and explore. And when they find what they’re looking for quickly and easily, they’re more likely to take action – whether that’s signing up for a newsletter, making a purchase, or sharing content with friends. By enhancing accessibility, streamlining interaction, and making it easier for users to engage with your site, WP Bottom Menu can lead to improved engagement and conversion rates, ultimately helping your website achieve its goals.

In simple terms, WP Bottom Menu isn’t just about keeping up with what’s popular on mobile devices. It’s about making your website easier for people to use, no matter what kind of device they’re using. So, if you want to improve how your website works on phones and tablets and get better outcomes, WP Bottom Menu is something you should think about adding.

Benefits of WP Bottom Menu for Mobile

If you’re wondering why WP Bottom Menu is such a game-changer for mobile websites, let’s break it down in simple terms.

Improved Accessibility and Reachability for Essential Functions

Imagine trying to reach the menu at the top of your phone screen with just one hand – it can be a real hassle. WP Bottom Menu solves this problem by moving the menu to the bottom of the screen, where it’s much easier to access. With just a quick swipe of your thumb, you can reach all the essential functions without any hassle. This improved accessibility means that more people can use your website comfortably, regardless of the size of their device or their physical abilities.

Enhanced User Engagement through Seamless Navigation

Have you ever visited a website on your phone and struggled to find what you were looking for? With WP Bottom Menu, those days are over. By placing important links and actions right at your fingertips, navigating the site becomes a breeze. Whether you’re searching for a specific page, exploring different sections of the site, or completing a transaction, everything you need is just a tap away. This seamless navigation not only makes it easier for users to find what they’re looking for but also encourages them to spend more time on your site, engaging with your content and exploring all that you have to offer.

Boosted Conversion Rates by Simplifying User Journeys

Now, let’s talk about the bottom line – conversion rates. Whether you’re selling products, collecting leads, or driving traffic to your blog, conversions are what ultimately drive the success of your website. WP Bottom Menu plays a crucial role in boosting conversion rates by simplifying user journeys. By presenting key links and actions prominently and intuitively, it guides users toward the actions you want them to take – whether that’s making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or contacting you for more information. This streamlined user experience makes it easier for users to complete desired actions, ultimately leading to higher conversion rates and better results for your website.

In summary, WP Bottom Menu isn’t just about making your website look better on mobile devices – it’s about creating a better experience for your users and driving real results for your business. With improved accessibility, enhanced engagement, and boosted conversion rates, WP Bottom Menu is a powerful tool for making your website more user-friendly and effective on mobile devices.

How to Add a Bottom Menu to Your WordPress Website

Adding a bottom link menu to your WordPress website using the best bottom menu plugin. WP Mobile Bottom Menu is one of them. In this step-by-step guide, we’ll show you how to enhance your site’s mobile navigation experience quickly and easily by using WP Mobile Bottom Menu.

Step 1: Install and Activate WP Mobile Bottom Menu Plugin

  • Go to your WordPress dashboard (that’s where you manage your website).
  • Click on “Plugins” and then “Add New”.
  • Search for “WP Mobile Bottom Menu” and install it.
  • Make sure to activate it.

After you activate it, just look for ‘WP Bnav Settings’ on the left side of your WordPress dashboard. That’s where you can customize everything. This is the main customization option. where you can customize everything.

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Step 2: Enable The Bottom Menu

Basically, we need to do 2 things to enable the bottom menu. Firstly We need to turn on the bottom menu option. and Secondly, we have to select the bottom menu where the menu is in WordPress.

1. Let’s set up your bottom menu in just a few easy steps
  • To activate the Bottom Menu, First, navigate to the “bottom menu” “bottom menu” section and find General settings.
  • Look for the option to enable the bottom menu option and switch it on.
  • To select Bottom Menu in WordPress, Go to your WordPress dashboard.
  • Click on “Appearance” and then choose “Menu
  • Alternatively, if you’re already in the section where you enabled the bottom mobile menu, look for the “menu” link option and click on it. This will take you directly to the menu section.
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2. Choose Your Menu & Customize the Bottom Menu
  • Once you’re in the menu section, select the menu you want to use for the bottom menu.
  • Scroll down until you see a box labeled “Menu Settings”.
  • In this box, locate “BNAV Bottom Menu” and mark it to select it.
  • Finally, click on the “Save” option to save your settings.
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That’s it! Your bottom menu is now set up and ready to go. Now you see your website in the mobile version. When you check your website on a mobile, you’ll you’ll see a menu already set up, which you created to use. But the icons might confuse you because they all look the same. That’s because they’re set to the default icon initially. To give them your personal touch, you’ll need to customize them.

That’s it! Now you know why the icons look the same and how you can give them your own touch. 


Step 3:Customizing the menu

Menu customization might seem like a big task, but don’t worry! If you prefer a visual guide, check out our YouTube video where we show you everything step by step.

But Wait, I’ve got some handy steps to share with you right here. Just follow along, and you’ll be customizing your menu like a pro .

1. Changing Menu Icon
  • To access menu options, Go to Appearance and then click on Menu.
  • Choose the menu for selecting, where you want to change the icon and scroll down.
  • You’ll see a bunch of choices like hiding text or showing icons. Don’t stress about those for now.
  • Look for the “Add Icon” option. This is where you can change the menu icon.
mobile menu 5 BoomDevs

If you’re not satisfied with the limited icons in WordPress, you can turn off the Icon Mode option. After turning off Icon Mode, you’ll find the Image Upload option. Here, you can upload your custom icon. Within the upload icon section, there’s another option Active Icon Upload. Play around both normal and active icons to make your menu pop.

mobile menu 6 BoomDevs

2. Changing Menu’s theme 

To do this, you need to go to the WordPress Dashboard. Find WP Bnab option and click here. here you will find all the customization options. First, let us introduce you to pre-made themes. In the pre-made themes option, you will get some templates by default. You are not going to use it because we will see how to create a new design with customization. Let’s break it down.

First, head to General Settings. Here, you’ll find several options to tweak your menu’s appearance.

  • Breakpoint: This controls when the mobile menu kicks in.
  • Z-index: It helps with layering elements.
  • Background Type: Choose the background style you prefer.
  • Blur: Select the level of blur you want. Set it to zero if you don’t want any blur effect.
  • Border and Border Color: Customize the border style and color to match your design.
  • Border Size and Radius: Adjust the thickness of the border and its roundness.
  • Shadows: Add shadows for a cool effect.
  • Margin and Padding: Fine-tune the spacing around your menu items.
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These settings give you full control over your menu’s appearance. Play around with them until you get the look you want..

3. Menu Style Settings

There are also menu-style settings where you’ll find options to fine-tune your menu’s appearance. There are several options in the menu style setting. How many menu items are displayed in the mobile menu? By default, the value is six, but you can change it as you want. Let’s break it down step by step.

  • Number of Grids: Decide how many items show up in your mobile menu.The default is six, but you can change it what you want.
  • Alignment: Align menu items to any side you like.
  • Item Menu Scroll Bar: Enable this if you have lots of items and need scrolling.
  • Background Type: Choose your background color. Default color is set.
  • Blur: Decide if you want a blur effect.
  • Padding: Adjust spacing inside your menu items.
  • Margin: Set space around your menu.
  • Border: Define a border style and color.Border Radius: Round off the edges for a sleek look.
  • Item Padding: Add padding to each menu item.
  • Item Offset: Set spacing for a balanced look.
  • Item Border: Customize borders for each menu item.
  • Active Border: Define the border style for active menu items.
  • Item Background Color: Choose the color for each menu item.
  • Item Icon Visibility: Choose to show or hide icons.
  • Icon Position: Decide where icons appear about the menu item.
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These settings give you total control over your menu’s style. Play around until you get the perfect look.

And that’s it! Follow these steps, and you’ll have your menu looking exactly how you want it in no time. Enjoy getting creative.

Best Practices for Designing WP Bottom Menu

When crafting a WP bottom menu, it’s crucial to keep things simple and user-friendly. One of the first things to consider is how you label your menu options. It’s essential to use clear and concise labels that anyone can understand. Think about what each menu item represents and try to describe it in a way that’s easy to grasp. For example, instead of using complex terms, opt for straightforward labels like “Home,” “About Us,” or “Contact.”

Next, think about what links or actions are most important for your users. These could be things like your contact page, your online store, or a sign-up form. By placing these high-priority items at the forefront of your bottom menu, you make it easier for users to find what they’re looking for without having to hunt around your site.

Another critical aspect to consider is how your bottom menu functions on touch devices like smartphones and tablets. Since many people now browse the web on mobile devices, it’s essential to optimize your menu for touch interaction. This means ensuring that menu items are large enough to be tapped with a finger and that they’re spaced out enough to prevent accidental clicks.

Additionally, consider the ergonomics of using a bottom menu on a mobile device. Since most people hold their phones with one hand, it’s essential to design your menu so that it’s easy to navigate with just a thumb. This might mean arranging menu items in a single column and placing them within easy reach of the user’s thumb.

By following these best practices for designing a WP bottom menu, you can create a navigation system that’s intuitive, user-friendly, and optimized for mobile devices. This, in turn, can improve the overall user experience on your site, leading to higher engagement, better conversion rates, and ultimately, more satisfied visitors.

FAQ: WP Bottom Menu for Mobile

1. What is WP Bottom Menu for Mobile?

WP Bottom Menu for Mobile is a WordPress plugin designed to enhance the mobile browsing experience on WordPress websites by implementing a bottom navigation menu.

2. How does WP Bottom Menu for Mobile work?

This plugin replaces the standard mobile menu with a bottom-aligned menu, making navigation more accessible and intuitive for mobile users. It allows you to customize the menu items, colors, and styles to match your website’s design.

3. Why should I use WP Bottom Menu for Mobile?

Using a bottom navigation menu improves user experience on mobile devices, as it is closer to users’ thumbs and makes navigation more ergonomic. It can also make your website look more modern and user-friendly.

4. Is WP Bottom Menu for Mobile compatible with all WordPress themes?

While WP Bottom Menu for Mobile is designed to be compatible with most WordPress themes, there might be some rare cases where conflicts arise with highly customized themes. It’s always a good idea to test the plugin on a staging site before implementing it on your live website.

5. Can I customize the appearance of the bottom menu?

Yes, WP Bottom Menu for Mobile offers various customization options. You can change the colors, font styles, menu items, and layout to match your website’s branding and design preferences.

6. Is WP Bottom Menu for Mobile responsive?

Yes, the plugin is fully responsive and adapts to different screen sizes and devices, ensuring a consistent user experience across mobile devices.

7. How do I install WP Bottom Menu for Mobile?

Installation is simple and similar to installing any other WordPress plugin. You can download the plugin from the WordPress plugin repository or upload it directly from your WordPress dashboard. Once activated, you can configure the settings from the WordPress customizer.

8. Can I add custom menu items to the bottom menu?

Yes, you can add custom menu items to the bottom menu using the WordPress menu editor. Simply create a new menu or edit an existing one, add your desired items, and assign the menu to the bottom menu location provided by the plugin.

9. Does WP Bottom Menu for Mobile offer support?

Yes, the plugin developer usually provides support through the WordPress support forums or via their website. You can also check the plugin documentation for troubleshooting tips and

Final Thought

In conclusion, this guide has covered everything you need to know about adding a WP bottom menu for mobile. It helps make your website easier to navigate on phones and tablets, which can lead to more people staying on your site and taking action. Remember, it’s important to keep improving how your website works on mobile devices to keep up with what people expect. By focusing on making your site easy to use on phones, you’ll give visitors a better experience, which can help your business succeed online.

Author: Rafy

Hi! I'm I am Rafy Naz, an SEO professional and Digital Marketer with over 8 years of market experience. On-Page SEO, Technical SEO, Off-Page SEO, and Content Writing are my main expertise. I am also an expert in Video marketing & YouTube. I am very simple but ambitious. I always think to live my life with honesty.

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