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This is Bishal
I apologize for the inconvenience you are experiencing with the plugin. Please make sure you have updated both the free and pro versions. Or please, follow these steps:

– Uninstall the Table of Content Free and Pro plugin.
– Clear your cache. If you use any caching plugin.
– Reinstall the latest versions of both plugins.
– Choose the premade layout with the Floating table of contents at the bottom.

You can check out our demos here where everything works fine. >> http://demo.boomdevs.com/table-of-contents

We are very sorry that we overlooked your ticket due to some technical issues. We value your satisfaction and feedback. Please try the steps I suggested and let me know if it works. You can also contact me through the live chat on our website homepage.

I appreciate your patience and cooperation

Thank you

Shamiul Bishal
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