Home Forums TOP WordPress Table Of Contents Using Local Hosted Fonts Reply To: Using Local Hosted Fonts


Hello sir,

We sincerely apologize for the delayed response and any inconvenience it may have caused.

To better understand your requirements, we kindly request clarification on the font preferences for the table of contents. Could you please specify whether you intend to use a custom font that needs to be uploaded or if you prefer to display the local font currently used in your themes within the table of contents section? Your response will significantly aid us in proceeding with the necessary updates.

Our team remains committed to delivering a superior user experience, and your feedback is of utmost importance to us. Once we have a clear understanding of your font preferences and complete the implementation, we will promptly update you with the latest version of our plugin.

Thank you for your patience and understanding. We look forward to receiving your response and resolving this matter to your satisfaction.

Best regards,

Shamiul Bishal
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