Empty Space on Top of labels

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Hello Team BoomDevs, happy monday 🙂

We worked with Shamiul Bishal to place our badges on our website. The badges are perfectly placed now thanks to his help, but we noticed that there is an empty space on top of the labels since then, that we cannot figure out where it come from.

Please review this video that shows the empty space now VS before the badge placement work, without empty space: https://share.vidyard.com/watch/4yQNHkjsF1MgPqWALQ45xd.

You can see how it looks like now here with the empty space: https://panda.kinsta.cloud/
And how it was before, when there was no empty spaces, here: https://staging-panda-testwebsite.kinsta.cloud/

Could you please help us delete this “empty space”?

Thanks a lot for your help,
Best regards,

Sophie 2e

Hello mam,

It has been resolved. Check to make sure everything is fine.

Rubel Ahmed

Rubel Ahmed

Hello Rubel,

Thanks a lot for your help,

It looks perfect! You can close this ticket 🙂

I wish you a fantastic day,
Best regards,

Sophie 2e
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